E-mail address:   

Árvácska Állatbarát Közhasznú Egyesület, Gyömrő

Type:Animal protection organizationCounty:Pest
Practice euthanasia:NoTown:Gyömrő
Tax number:18680755-1-13
Town on map:
(click the image for a larger map)
Bank account:Monor és Vidéke Takarékszövetkezet: 65100084-10087
E-mail address:Street:Farkasdy u. 1.
Web site:http://arvacskak.euPostal code:2230
to adoption:
Signing the adoption statement, in which the host family agrees that the animal will be taken care of during his/her lifetime and will not be given to other party. The Foundation staff can check the circumstances at any time and if they see that the conditions are not kept, the animal may be returned. Photo must be provided after the animal settled down at his/her new home.
More Information:

Our partner: Blöki   Magyar Állatvédők és Természetvédők Szövetsége
Original Design: Almendra StudioVersion: 2.1.7Made by: Rozika and her master