E-mail address:   

Dogó mentés

Type:Animal protection organizationCounty:Bács-Kiskun
Practice euthanasia:NoTown:Solt
Tax number:  
Bank account:
E-mail address:dogomentes@gmail.comStreet:
Web site: code:
Adoptable pets:
to adoption:
More Information:How YOU can HELP Collected in this note you can find the ways YOU can HELP us in our work. 1. Become a foster! A foster home is the most valuable treasure! When we cannot take a dog into our own home after a rescue, they need to be homed at a dog boarding. They of course get the same care and love but keeping a dog in a boarding for prolonged periods has a negative impact on our finances. You can read more on becoming a a foster in the following note: (angolnyelvű jegyzet címe) 2. Invite our Dogos out for coffee! We recently started our supporters program and you too can become our monthly sponsor! To join our group, you are required to aid our work with a monthly minimum amount at the price of a coffee. This will give us the security of being able to count on you each month. You can join our group here: 3. Collect plastic bottle caps and bags of chips! We not only care for our environment by collecting empty chips bags and plastic bottle caps, but by co-operating with TerraCycle Hungary, we receive valuable points for sending the collected residue to their centre which we can then claim as a financial donation. Ours is one of the most successful collector groups, we have even won a collectors-contest. Chief coordinator to the project is Anikó Magyar who is ready to answer any questions you might have. Our chips bag group: Our bottle cap group: 4. Bid on our items We have an album where we collected all the items that have been offered for us by our friends to be put up for auction. If you would like to offer an item, please contact us at You can check the auction gallery here and place a bid: 5. Material aid We are in great need of dog food, blankets, dog houses, collars, leashes, flea- and tick control products (mostly collars and topical products) as the number of adoptable dogs has been 10+ for months. We are many and thus our needs too. :) You can check previous contributions here: 6. Financial aid We are of course very grateful for any financial donations we might receive. They cover our veterinary and dog lodging bills, the spaying/neutering of our rescuees and sometimes we are called to urgent and serious cases (which are sadly getting more frequent). You can donate to us on the following account: Alapítvány az Idős és Sérült Állatokért UniCredit Bank 10918001-00000027-62060003 IBAN: HU14 10918001-00000027-62060003 SWIFT: BACXHUHB Reference: Dogó-mentés Do not forget to write “Dogó-mentés” to the reference field!

Our partner: Blöki   Magyar Állatvédők és Természetvédők Szövetsége
Original Design: Almendra StudioVersion: 2.1.7Made by: Rozika and her master